Lemon Bars by Teresa Horton


3 cups AP Flour

3/4 cup powdered Sugar

1 1/2 cups Margarine

—Mix well then pat into a 10×15 inch sheet-cake pan.

—Bake at 350*F for 12 minutes.


Whisk together:

5 Eggs

3 cups granulated Sugar

9 Tablespoons Lemon Juice

2 Teaspoons grated Lemon Zest

6 Tablespoons AP Flour

1 1/2 Teaspoons baking powder

—Pour on top of baked crust and return to oven (I pour it while pan is still in the oven)

    and bake 20 minutes longer or until topping is set. 

—Remove from oven, dust with powdered sugar.  When cool, dust with powdered sugar again.

—Cool and cut into squares.

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