Strawberry Danish-Sharon Larson


2 C flour

1 C margarine

1/2 C brown sugar

1/2 C chopped walnuts, optional


2 envelopes Dream Whip

1 C powdered sugar

1 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese

1 t vanilla Sauce

1 pkg. Danish Dessert (Strawberry Junket)

1 pkg. frozen strawberries (other frozen fruit, if desired)

 Mix together flour, margarine, brown sugar like pie dough with fork. Add nuts. Spread in 9x11x2 cake pan and bake at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Cool and recrumble. Put half in the bottom of the pan.

Prepare Dream Whip; cream together powdered sugar, cream cheese and vanilla. Add to Dream Whip. Pour in on top of crumbs in pan. Sprinkle remainder of crumbs on top.

Prepare junket sauce using liquid from frozen fruit. Cool. (Frozen fruit may be added to the sauce also when cooled). Cut dessert in squares and pour sauce on top of each piece. Refrigerate until ready to eat.

Sharon’s notes: I usually get two packages of frozen fruit because I think it tastes better with more fruit. Or I get fresh strawberries (in season) and add them to the cooled sauce. Also, I usually use a 9×13 pan because that is what I have.

Lindsay – This recipe comes from Eileen Ungermann, an old roommate of Sharon’s. It has long been a favorite of Steve’s and he requests it for his birthday desserts. When Chris and I were younger, we picked different desserts for our birthdays, but the older we got the more frequently we requested “Danish Dessert.” During my freshman year of college, some of my friends from home called my mom to get the recipe from her. Then they surprised me with a fantastic birthday celebration, including a night on the town dressed up in crazy clothes and Strawberry Danish to cap it off.

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