Kama’aina Coconout Shrimp Curry-Jen Medeiros

            1 med. onion, chopped

            ¼ c. butter or margarine

            5 T. flour

            1 ½ T. curry powder

            1 ½ t. brown sugar

            2 cloves garlic, minced

            1 small piece fresh ginger, minced

            1 c. chicken broth

            2 c. coconut milk

            1 ½ t. salt

            2 c. cooked shrimp

 Sauté onion in butter over medium heat. Stir in flour, curry powder, sugar, garlic and ginger. Cover and simmer for 1 hour on very low heat. Blend in broth and coconut milk, stirring until smooth. Cover and simmer for another hour. Caution! The sauce should not boil. Add salt and shrimp. Heat thoroughly and serve alone or with jasmine rice. Serves 4-6

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