Eating Grass at the Jensens

Pre2009-04-10- 006a

  Pre2009-04-10- 007a



  Pre2009-04-10- 005a


Pre2009-04-10- 004a


Since the time the boys were babes and eating food, I used to just do “pretend play” at the table to get them to eat and love fresh vegetables and fruits.  We would do spaghetti races to “slurp” up our noodles [this was actually targeted for speech therapy and strengthens mouth muscles].  Another fun thing we do is eat like bunnies.  Jonathan and David eat alfalfa sprouts and other fresh greens, like baby spinach leaves and lettuce, and really enjoy them.

Yesterday, Thurs/09Apr09, I took David to the doctor.  Here is an excerpt/anecdote from my journal from yesterday.

David:  I’m hungry, Mamá.
Holly:  Yes, I’m sure you are.
Pediatrician:  What did you eat for breakfast, David?
David:  An orange and some sprouts.
Ped:  Sprouts?  What kind of sprouts?
Holly:  Alfalfa sprouts.
Ped:  What are those like?
Holly:  Have you ever had a deli turkey sandwich with sprouts?
Ped:  Yes.
Holly:  Those were probably alfalfa sprouts.
Ped:  Yeah, but I didn’t think you eat them alone.

Turning to David…

Ped:  What do they taste like?
David:  Grass.
Ped:  Like grass, and you eat them and like them?
David:  Nodding his head in ascent.
Ped:  Wow, that’s amazing!
<<…>> <<…>> <<…>> <<…>>

PS — Joseph took the pics and had the fun idea of showing David first bending down to the grass, then eating the grass, then showing the green mouth and then showing that he is actually eating the spinach instead of the grass.

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